pipe spools

pipe spools
we iso'd this for example

Da Boss

Da Boss
In The Windy City

Monday, November 16, 2009

we did iso that

Congratulations to the New Belgium Brewery in Fort Collins on being the first victim since my return to the working world.

so underground drainage is a bit of a challenge due to the fall and odd angles. I resorted to rotating the model for some of the runs to get a decent view angle.
MMI in Lincoln, the gauntlet has been thrown, the challenge is out there.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


well the editsense thing seems to have taken effect
Thanks http://therevitkid.com/


Why did I have a daughter?
Why indeed
Why did I have children?
Why didn't I stick to terriers?
Heading to the poor house on the slippery slope
Good thing I can still iso that!


Must be good - migrated to google
Working with it - not sure how successfully
New technology hard on an old fart like me