pipe spools

pipe spools
we iso'd this for example

Da Boss

Da Boss
In The Windy City

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

web page design

So this business of designing a web page is tougher than I thought. Sort of like buying cad software, the demo looked great, you get it home and test drive it and whoa! this is harder than it looks, time consuming too. But in order to get stuff to iso, I need orders, clients, customers which means web page. I've got the home page down, and the about us page but I have to figure out how to delete some stuff I don't want and add some stuff I do for the other three pages. 5 pages is all I get for my dime. Now picture this: The scene is a castle under seige back in the day. Across from the moat is a new catapult. It's been fired. Splattered all over the castle wall fairly near the top is the body of a soldier from the attacking army. Ugly. The king is looking askance at his engineer who says "Funny, the prototype worked great!" (with apologies to non sequitur). Seemed relevant somehow.

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