Not having been paid to play (again) for a while, its time for something completely different. Virtual Building Construction - as mr S (he of the pointy ears) would say - quite logical So they beamed me up and here I am - investing my (free) time (virtually) at a certain well known educational establishment on the East Coast - Ivy League plus plus.
you've got to be kidding - there's no way all that stuff will fit in that tiny space.............
Not sure if we'll get to iso any of it but just the modeling is heaps of fun, and ductwork with AMEP is always interesting. And I get to play with Project Navigator again.
Pretty soon we'll see if and how big (well) the investment returns are. With the overhead lowered to the bare bones, the bottom end should be well withing reach and everything else is gravy after that. The good news is that the new schedule should permit the good news to be spread more often. The aim is to fill the jar with the big theocratic balls first, then the secular pebbles, and then the personal sand. Sooner be the master's slave than anyone elses.