So I'm off the breadline after a 6 month hiatus. Whoopdedoo.
Will it be good for me? Time will tell. Got my very own office again.
Hello Quickpen - I missed you.
I might even get to AU this year - we talked about it.
The first project will be a nick, so back to the dreaded triangular chases and special bars/grilles for all openings. Haven't done one of these since oh I don't know, 20002 maybe. Of course, there's also a brewery - gotta love those. Lots of stainless steel drainlines. I'll be tweaking the ole database for those fittings no doubt. Then there's the sad sad case of the outsourced ductwork models - only 174 hits! Gonna have to get good with autocad mep duct in a hurry. Could it be worse than Kuck Mechanical, well its drafted by a gal, so..............
Hey at least the commute is a dream, just straight down I-76 to Pecos, or even Federal - there's a railroad crossing that always seems to be blocked by a long line of not-moving hopper cars.
Seem like nice folks. Hope this pans out. Gotta keep a lid on the OT. And keep playing with Revit, my retirement fund(er). And my P.E. project, mustn't forget that.